A warmth kindles inside you, heart-deep, bone-deep. <<continue "You are part of a completed formation.">><<continue "For the first time you glimpse what it's like to be a full Kel.">>It's too bad your friend has to die of it.\n\nStes goes up in a conflagration, like a star going extinct.\n\nWithin moments, all that remains are [[ashes|execution-aftermath]].
<<continue "They weren't vermin.">>They weren't vermin.\n\n<<continue "They were servitors.">>They were servitors. <<continue "Your friends.">>Your friends.\n\n<<continue "They'd even warned you what would happen.">>They'd even warned you what would happen.\n\nYou'd sworn that it didn't matter. But it did. The artificially induced phobia was too powerful.\n\n[[Back.|resist-first-move]]
You haven't been back home since you left for Kel Academy Prime, although you had a couple of opportunities. Instead, you write home in stilted high language. //My studies are going well. The instructors keep us very busy. I am eating my vegetables.//\n\nYour mother writes back faithfully, telling you about her birdfeeder and her garden. Her command of the language is not very good. You memorize every word, then burn the letters so that no one else can see how provincial your family is.\n\n[[Back.|Intro]]
"Listen," Stes said into the awkward silence that pooled between the two of you. "I know--I know things are harder for you."\n\nYou stiffened. Was this a conversation you wanted to have?\n\nShe was still talking. "I noticed how hard you worked to conceal your accent."\n\nYou stood up.\n\n"No, wait--" She reached toward you, stopped. "This is coming out all wrong. I speak a low language too. My gran's tongue. Just, not at Academy. You know."\n\nIt was hard to face her eyes, earnest as fire, because you did. You did know.\n\n[[//If only you'd told her that while you had the chance.//|Stes-defiant]]
You're the only one who doesn't scoff at Stes's words.\n\n"You're a formation-breaker," the instructor retorts, glass-sharp.\n\n[[He gives the penultimate order.|third-order]]
Your name meant //twenty-three// in Mwen-dal, the language you grew up speaking. It was unsafe to mention this around anyone who didn't belong to your mother's people, the Mwennin, because you were born on the twenty-third day of a month in a forbidden calendar. Properly, according to your people's traditions, you should have been named after the appropriate calendar-saint, but that was even riskier.\n\n[[Back.|Miroz Stesarion]]
In the dramas you love so much, people fling their gloves away like so much dross. Despite your defiance, however, you can't bring yourself to do that. Instead, you simply fold them up and lay them on the ground.\n\n"So be it," the instructor says. "Cadets, you are dismissed."\n\n<<continue "You and Stes don't have to be told that neither of you are cadets anymore.">>"Miroz Stesarion and Ajewen Cheris, [[come with me|both-outprocessed]]."
<<if visited("resist-first-move")>>You must be imagining things. The first time you gritted your teeth and set yourself to defying orders, you obeyed anyway, a puppet in the puppeteer's grip. This time, however, you're able to resist the urge to move for a bare moment before you find yourself marching with the others.\n\n[[You imagine that Stes meets your eyes.|shared-glance]]<<else>>You can't. You're surrounded by //Kel//, you're part of the flock. Joining the others in the formation is easier this time. You almost //relax// at the comforting presence of cadets all around you.\n\n[[You lose sight of Stes as the people ahead of you shift.|no-glance]]<<endif>>
You tutored Hreves Fii sometimes, because they needed help with abstract algebra. One of your better tutees: they never complained, always addressed you politely, and once, as a prank, had a sculpted gelatin gun waiting on your seat. (They were also an excellent //conventional// dessert chef.) After you were done cleaning up you even laughed about it.\n\n[[But you saw someone trampling Fii out of the corner of your eye.|Fii death 1]]
An unpleasant possibility occurs to you: if this clearing is frequently used for executions, you might be inhaling the ashes of who knows how many failed Kel.\n\n[[Back.|the crashhawk]]
Well, //that's// unusual.\n\nIt's a full three seconds (you count them) before you drag yourself into position. <<if visited("resist-first") or visited("resist-second")>>The formation break effects aren't as bad this time.<<endif>> You sway a little as you march to your assigned spot.\n\nThe instructor called Stes a formation-breaker. Is this what it's like? The slow slide into heresy?\n\n[[//You remember how Stes ended up here in the first place.//|Stes-disaster-setup]]
Some of the historical emblems were notorious--the Immolation Fox's Deuce of Gears, for instance. (Why gears? Who knew. You were no jeng-zai expert.) On a more positive note, you'd always liked General Andan Zhe Navo's Crane Amid Roses, ummilitary as it was.\n\nChoosing an emblem was a political matter. Most newly minted generals consulted their aides and protocol advisers before registering one. A favorite party game among cadets (perhaps among full Kel, too?) was for people to make up outrageous shitty emblems for unpopular colonels or commanders, like Slimy Hairball or Rotting Aspic.\n\n[[Back.|Stes-potential-general]]
On your first day of Academy, the senior Kel cadets welcomed the incoming class with a parade. You'd heard about Lexicon Secondary, which, despite the [[confusing name|high language names]], was not a dictionary of //words// but a dictionary of //formations//. Despite your mother's disapproval, you'd memorized a number of them and their effects, which ranged--as the seniors demonstrated--from fireworks to rippling illusions and the summoning of a quixotic wind.\n\nFormations had been glamorous then.\n\n[[This is not glamorous.|lack-of-glamor]]
A formation will not activate until its pivot or pivots are filled. You have often drilled formations with pivots refused, or empty, <<continue "for safety reasons.">>for safety reasons.\n\n<<continue "Safety has nothing to do with matters now.">>Safety has nothing to do with matters now.\n\n[[You move to your designated spot, which is still in the first rank.|obey-first]]\n[[You resist the order.|resist-first]]
//Burn brightly,// they said: one of the first Kel farewells you learned.\n\nSometimes the Kel meant it quite literally.\n\n[[Back.|shy-introduction]]
Stes liked to do ink sketches in her free time, which wasn't very. Today the waterbrush was, however, loaded with a paint that fluoresced ghastly orange in response to the radiations of calendrical swords.\n\nIt wasn't a coincidence that Cadet Lieutenant Mazo had a duel scheduled later today, by special dispensation from the Academy commandant.\n\n[[Back.|flashback-obey-one]]
The Kel are the hexarchate's military faction. Your parents don't like them. Still, you were determined to pass the entrance examinations and become a soldier.\n\nYou used to spend hours in your mother's garden arranging your collection of sea-smoothed pebbles and shells in Kel formations gleaned from the news or dramas, sometimes made up entirely. She would never have approved, so you always pretended that you were simply making pretty patterns.\n\n(There's no way she was fooled.)\n\nYears later, and you're about to learn firsthand that the "pretty patterns" are killing devices as surely as a gun or a knife.\n\n[[Back.|Intro]]
You shuddered a little when the instructor said, "Fill the primary pivot." Because a live formation would summon its exotic effect. Like the difference between an empty gun and a loaded one, when you pulled the trigger. Aimed improperly, even cadets could perish.\n\nBut you had your orders, and you marched and wheeled just as the formation demanded, just as the //math// said.\n\n[[Back.|training accidents]]
"'Sense'?" you asked. "Isn't sacrifice the rational choice, when you're the only one in the way of an invading army? Isn't that why we're all //here//?"\n\nYou weren't eager to die, exactly; but you knew what you signed on for. //Suicide hawk.//\n\n"It might be the rational choice for the hexarchate's survival," Stes countered. "But would anyone on the ground really leap into the bullet's path if they had another option?"\n\n"That's what we have generals for," you said. "To make those decisions."\n\n[[You looked at Stes in a new light.|Stes-potential-general]]
As a child, you once saw a Kel formation set ablaze in a drama. Except they were actors, and the sparks were glitter and trickery. You longed for the flames' embrace.\n\nThere's a Kel joke:\n\n//How many Kel does it take to start a fire?//\n//None--they're already burning up.//\n\n[[Back.|Stes-burning]]
Stes's gaze is steady; her mouth is firm. If she's afraid, she doesn't show it.\n\nYou stand at attention in the first rank. This is not a <<if visited("formation-basics")>>formation<<else>>[[formation|formation-basics]]<<endif>>. The mixed smells of sweat and soap, pine needles and damp loam, fill your nostrils. Still, you keep imagining that you <<if visited("smell smoke")>>smell smoke<<else>>[[smell smoke]]<<endif>>.\n\n<<if visited("formation-instinct", "crashhawks", "smell smoke")>>[["Fourth Formation, pivot refused, if you please," the instructor says in his parched voice.|fourth-formation]]<<endif>>
You plant your feet firmly. Unbidden, an old Mwennin chant comes to mind: //The tree with the deepest roots bends; the tree with the darkest roots breaks.// Are you bending, or breaking?\n\nAnother cadet almost marches straight into you. "//Move//," he snaps under his breath. You can almost //taste// his hostility.\n\n[[You move.|resist-first-move]]\n[[You stand fast.|resist-first-stand]]
Stes looks searchingly at you. You meet her eyes--you can give her that much, at least--but nothing more.\n\nWhen [[you turn your back on her]] to return to the formation, you hear her sigh like an exhalation of smoke.
"Being Kel is about more than following orders," Stes cries. "What good are orders without honor?"\n\n[["It's time," says the instructor.|fourth-order]]
<<if visited("Stes-sparks")>>The first sparks start up.<<else>>The first [[sparks|Stes-sparks]] start up.<<endif>>\n\n<<if visited("Stes-sparks")>>Stes is crowned in light. The sparks and their afterimages form constellation traceries. //Like a formation,// you can't help thinking.\n\nNot just any formation. //This// formation, the one you and the rest of the cadet company have constructed. The correspondence is unmistakable.\n\nYou don't have more time to ponder this; the next move orders are coming down.\n\n[[You know what to do.|obey-second]]\n[[You resist the order.|resist-second]]<<endif>>
The lanterns are made of black filigree metal in the shape of burning birds, flinging distorted shadows across the clearing. The ashhawk: the Kel emblem, the bird that burns in its own glory. Amber light glows steadily from within the lanterns, gilding the pine trees with their frost-touched needles but bringing no warmth.\n\n[[Back.|Intro]]
"Listen," you say to her in a taut whisper, as quickly as you can over the crackling of the ghostly flames. "This is your last chance. Think--" You hesitate, then go on. "Think of your family."\n\n//Think of me.//\n\nStes shudders, then nods.\n\nYour piece said, [[you turn your back on her]] to resume your place in the formation.
It's just as well. She's already a stranger. To assert a connection to her would endanger your own standing, wretched thought that it is.\n\n[[//Even so, you remember the first time the two of you exchanged Kel jokes.//|Kel-jokes]]
Thank you for playing //from every spark a fire//.\n\nIf you have any comments or bug reports (screencaps and version number appreciated), you can reach me at: yoon@yoonhalee.com\n\n--Yoon Ha Lee, 2019.
[[Formations were designed with a little leeway, to allow for human imprecision.|Fii death 2]]
"Stesarion" was a perfectly respectable high language name. You even knew what it meant: //a fire in the darkness//. As for [[your name]], you didn't talk about it.\n\n(//Now that you know the truth about her, you wonder if the irony torments her, or// [[//if she's beyond trivial worries//|the crashhawk]].)
[[Not enough leeway to save the body, here.|Fii death 3]]
You first spotted //her// at dueling practice your third week at the academy. You'd signed out a [[practice sword]], stretched. //She// was running through a series of practice forms. With her dark skin and black uniform, the elegance of her long limbs, she looked like a calligraphy painting in motion.\n\n<<if visited("practice sword")>>You introduced yourself\n* [[shyly, in case she rebuffed you.|shy-introduction]]\n* [[boldly, trusting she would find a kindred spirit in you.|bold-introduction]]\n* [[not at all, preferring to keep to yourself.|no-introduction]]<<endif>>
"A fox and not a rose?" Stes countered. "I mean, do we have any evidence that the Shuos know anything about music?"\n\n"Get an infiltrator to fake it," you said.\n\nStes's eyes crinkled. "What's the difference between an infiltrator and a mirror?"\n\nOh, now she was moving on to //Shuos// jokes. "A mirror might get it wrong," you said--not the only answer, but one of the better-known ones.\n\n[[The rest of the evening passed in a friendly exchange of increasingly obscure fox jokes.|innuendo-jokes]]
Calendrical swords had three modes: //deactivated//, during which they were not much better for combat than a rock or kubotan; //dueling mode//, which registered hits but did no damage; and //lethal mode//, with which they could kill. The terminology was not entirely accurate, since duels to the death existed alongside sport dueling.\n\nThe controls were designed to be foolproof, but as the Kel liked to say, someone would always come up with a better fool.\n\n[[Back.|training accidents]]
You cast your eyes down, but not before she saw the disapproval in them.\n\nStes sighed. "I didn't mean to offend you," she said. "You must think I'm terribly frivolous."\n\nHow did you explain to her that it was easy for a Kel with a respectable name from a respectable family to make light of tradition, but one step out of line and you'd be put under report? You worked too hard to get into Kel Academy to jeopardize your career.\n\n"It's nothing," you said. After all, you could't afford to offend her either. [[She might be your commander someday.|thinking-of-future]]
"//Fuck// you," she said, to the instructor--to the //instructor//, who //outranked// her. "Two Kel dead, and [[you didn't halt the maneuver]]. How many more were going to die? For the sake of drill?"<<if visited("you didn't halt the maneuver")>>\n\n"Miroz Stesarion," the instructor said, grave and formal and utterly without pity, "at least they died Kel."\n\n[[//Unlike you,// was the implication.|Stes-lost]]<<endif>>
The only reason you knew about Kel Esteris was that you spent almost as much time following the local dueling circuit as you did studying for your classes. Esteris was strictly average as a duelist, and not even particularly popular. One commentator (unkindly) described his style as "what dueling would look like if you approached it with a street-sweeper's soul."\n\n[[Back.|flashback-crashhawk-discussion]]
The high language doesn't distinguish between singular or plural, unlike Mwen-dal (which additionally has a dual form), except in certain archaic expressions.\n\nNevertheless, you have no doubt that, when he said //you//, the instructor meant you and Stes both.\n\n[[Back.|second-crashhawk-revealed]]
"You're very good," you said. You saw no harm in keeping it simple.\n\nHer teeth flashed brightly; one of them was charmingly crooked. "Are you here to challenge me?"\n\n"Challenge, no," you said. Given your late start in dueling, you were a novice compared to most other cadets. [["Will you show me how you do that salute?"|flirtation-two]]
You had a taste of this with First Formation, after the initial injection. No matter how much your skin shuddered and flinched from the <<if not visited("vermin")>>[[vermin]]<<else>>vermin<<endif>>, the support of your comrades steadied you. The Kel aren't telepathic, despite common citizens' gossip, but it //felt// like mind-to-mind contact the way that dancing with a really good partner does.\n\n<<continue "Your instructors explained to you, with a perfect admixture of seriousness and condescension, that for a true Kel, the simple presence of comrades produces a self-reinforcing pleasure.">>Your instructors explained to you, with a perfect admixture of seriousness and condescension, that for a true Kel, the simple presence of comrades produces a self-reinforcing pleasure. <<continue "A true Kel would hardly find the phenomenon worthy of mention.">>A true Kel would hardly find the phenomenon worthy of mention. <<continue "But cadets, of course, would naturally be curious.">>But cadets, of course, would naturally be curious.\n\n[[Back.|resist-first-move]]
Your gaze snags on her [[naked hands]].\n\n[[Back.|obey-first]]
Every full-fledged Kel wears black gloves in public. As a cadet, you wouldn't ordinarily be allowed that privilege. But an execution is not an ordinary occasion. Especially this one.\n\n[[Back.|Intro]]
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Before you could ask, Stes stretched, yawned, and picked up her slate. "I'm done for the night," she said. "I'd better get some sleep if I'm going to lead reveille. See you tomorrow, same bird-time, same bird-place?"\n\nYour smile was answer enough.\n\n[[//You wonder if any of those memories console her now.//|Stes-defiant]]
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You edged closer to the dark girl, trying not to look directly at her, as though she <<if visited("burned bright")>>burned bright<<else>>[[burned bright]]<<endif>>. Her sword's blade with its flickering numerals was blue-violet like the soul of a candle flame, pure. Not like yours in <<if visited("glowed red and blue")>>red and blue.<<else>>[[red and blue|glowed red and blue]].<<endif>>\n\n(You weren't supposed to believe in souls, like your mother's people, but at times you did anyway.)\n\n<<if visited("burned bright", "glowed red and blue")>>The girl continued a series of lunges, then stopped and pivoted on one foot. She smiled at you. "Are you a first-year too?" she asked.\n\n<<continue "You nodded.">>You nodded.\n\n"I'm [[Miroz Stesarion]]," she said. "Call me Stes, everyone does."\n\nIt took the better part of that first year before you were comfortable doing so. She didn't seem to mind.<<endif>>
You weren't entirely aware that Stes had acted until she did.\n\nThe world tilted around you. Your bones felt like they had settled in the wrong places. Someone was //out of formation//.\n\n"The hell were you thinking?" Stes was shouting at Jia. She had disarmed Jia--damned chancy maneuver, considering the calendrical blade was in //lethal mode//, but Stes had always excelled at the martial arts. Pointedly, [[as the formation juddered around the two of them|formation judder]], Stes thumbed the blade //off//.
The instructor waits until you're back in position, then says, "It's time to fill the pivot. Miroz Stesarion, if you please."\n\nHead bowed, Stes walks to her place.\n\n"From every spark a fire," the instructor says.\n\nThe massed ranks [[repeat the phrase]] back to him, yourself among them.
Full-fledged Kel wear black uniforms with gold braid. Cadets merely wear black. ("It makes us look like we're trying to sneak around at night like burglars," //she// said to you once.)\n\nThe instructor explained it to the company while you were back in barracks. "She has one last chance to acquit herself as a Kel," he said. "If not, then..." He shrugged. "The uniform's going to be burnt one way or the other."\n\n[[Back.|Intro 2]]
Ajana was one of the top duelists in this march's professional circuit. Not everyone approved of her because of her flamboyant style--she showed up to every match with glittering facial mods that come just short of flouting circuit regulations--but her skill was undeniable. You coveted one of her signed trading cards, but you couldn't afford one.\n\nYou'd heard that Stes owned not just a signed trading card of Li Ajana but a //special edition// one. Stes never mentioned it, however, and you declined to pester her about it.\n\n[[Back.|flashback-crashhawk-discussion]]
Your world has narrowed to this simplest of choices.\n\n[[You obey.|obey-third]]\n[[You resist.|resist-third]]
The drill ended very rapidly after that. Adult Kel--//full// Kel--took over from there. It was very efficient. There were protocols.\n\nIn its centuries of existence, Kel Academy had come up with protocols for everything.\n\n[[//And all those protocols led to this night, this clearing, this execution.//|execution-endgame]]
You learned during your first week at Kel Academy that, while //officially// "hawkfucking," or fraternization, only applies to real Kel rather than cadets, in practice any cadets caught dating each other will find it difficult to graduate. Of course, this didn't stop people from sneaking around.\n\nYou told yourself you'd never jeopardize your standing, kept your head down, and did your best to ignore the abundance of smart, pretty girls and alts.\n\nAnd then you met //her//.\n\n[[Back.|spider restraints]]
You strode toward the dark girl and <<if visited("watched her openly")>>watched her openly.<<else>>[[watched her openly]].<<endif>> There was no //shame//; it wasn't like your heart is thumping too loudly in your chest. You were both aspiring Kel. It would never be anything more than that.\n\nHer calendrical sword traced blue-violet patterns through the air. You admired its candle-heart purity, unlike your own, which manifested in <<if visited("glowed red and blue")>>red and blue.<<else>>[[red and blue|glowed red and blue]].<<endif>>\n\nShe finished her current form with a flourished salute, then turned to you.\n\n[["You're very good," you said.|flirtation-one]] You saw no harm in keeping it simple.
The instructor is being literal for once. (Contrary to popular belief, Kel aren't //always// literal.) Stes's words emerged from her mouth in a torrent of writhing fire-calligraphy, the burning vertical characters of the high language's script.\n\n[[Back.|Stes-speech]]
What's Stes thinking about? Bad luck? The family who's already disowned her? Even, fire forbid, a //Kel joke//?\n\nYou almost manage to catch her eye, or maybe it's your imagination. The sparks that crown her make it difficult to tell.\n\nBesides, what would you tell her, with everyone between you? //I'm sorry?//\n\n[[//You remember trading Kel jokes with her.//|Kel-jokes]]
"But it doesn't make any //sense//," Stes was saying to another cadet, stubborn Aori. There were four of you still toweling off after a grueling hour of "optional" exercise and the necessary showers. (Something the recruiters never mentioned about being a Kel cadet: that it's frequently sweaty and, as a corollary, //smelly//; the uniforms are supposed to wick up odorous substances but this is more a matter of theory than practice.)\n\nStes's latest hobbyhorse is General Kel Dessenet, who sacrificed a swarm of over 300 warmoths in a suicide formation to stop an invasion.\n\n[[You remember Dessenet as a hero.|Dessenet-hero]]\n[[You remember Dessenet as a tragic figure.|Dessenet-tragic]]
It's not about //choice//. You gave up the right to //choice// when you applied to the Kel. At the time, all you cared about was a chance to be part of something greater.\n\nThis formation is //greater// in the sense of being greater than yourself. It's not //greater// in the sense of being //better//.\n\n[[//Even that thought diminishes into static as you remember how Stes got herself into this fix in the first place.//|Stes-disaster-setup]]
Only then--only then--did the instructor respond. Not to the dead; to the formation break. "Cadet Miroz Stesarion," he said, "//you are out of formation//."\n\nLooking back, you thought that even then she might have had a chance to salvage her career, if not for [[what she said next]].
"But it comes at a cost," the instructor goes on in his dry, quiet voice. "Your <<if visited("words-written-in-fire")>>words are written in fire.<<else>>[[words are written in fire.|words-written-in-fire]]<<endif>> They will burn you up all the faster." You can //hear// his shrug. He doesn't care one way or the other. "It's your choice."\n\n[[Is Stes laughing?|stes-laughing]]
You wouldn't have asked anyone else, but this was //Stes//. You shared everything with her, <<if visited("bold-introduction")>>from dueling practice sessions to visits to the mochi vendor just outside campus.<<elseif visited("shy-introduction")>>from mutual tutoring (she helped you with Kel history, you helped her with math) to friendly banter while peeling vegetables for kitchen duty.<<else>>even though she had to coax you into joining her study groups or coming along with her friends to watch shooting stars after some of the nighttime remembrances.<<endif>> <<continue "If you couldn't trust her with your questions, who could you trust?">>If you couldn't trust her with your questions, who could you trust?\n\n<<continue "There were always the servitors--but this was a Kel matter.">>There were always the servitors--but this was a Kel matter. <<continue "Best to ask another cadet.">>Best to ask another cadet.\n\nStes didn't lower her voice as she spoke; you weren't sure whether you admired that or wanted her to hush. "She was uncovered as a crashhawk," she said. "She volunteered for [[outprocessing]]."
After the latest joke, which posed the question of what happened when you put six foxes, one goose, and a bread machine in the same kitchen, you wiped your eyes. You almost forgot the passage of time--a rarity.\n\n"We'd better get some sleep," you said. "Don't you lead reveille tomorrow?"\n\n"Yes, I'd better simulate responsibility," Stes said, and winked before bidding you goodnight.\n\n[[//You wish you'd told her how much you enjoyed your time with her while you had the chance.//|Stes-defiant]]
You kept your eyes to yourself as you found your own corner. Your borrowed sword <<if visited("glowed red and blue")>>glowed red and blue.<<else>>[[glowed red and blue]].<<endif>> Hers was blue-violet, intense and incandescent. You had a difficult time concentrating on the tutelary forms; couldn't help wondering if she was watching.\n\n<<if visited("glowed red and blue")>>"What's her name?" you asked one of the other cadets who was stretching near you.<<continue " You had to ask twice.">> You had to ask twice.\n\n"Oh, her?" he said, straightening so he could see who you were pointing to.\n\n<<continue "You nodded.">>You nodded.\n\n"[[Miroz Stesarion]]," he said. "Everyone calls her Stes for short, though."<<endif>>
The cadet company was drilling [[live formations]] with calendrical swords under the instructor's guidance. You stood one rank behind Stes and Jia. You never did find out what possessed Jia to switch her sword into [[lethal mode]] during that about-face. <<if visited("live formations") and visited("lethal mode")>>\n\nWhatever the reason, the blade blazed forward, [[slicing through two cadets|lethal accident]].<<endif>>
You always smiled and demurred when the other cadets talked about possible emblems. Especially since you wanted to acknowledge the city of your birth and its ravens, and there were already a number of historical raven emblems, each with its own connotations. It would be easy to offend someone by choosing inauspiciously.\n\nSometimes you thought back to the servitor by the sea who taught you math, but there were many reasons why you couldn't honor it.\n\n[[Back.|Stes-potential-general]]
''Aftermath''\n\nThe civilian flitter takes you and Stes to the city of Jade Crown. The two of you sit side by side, <<if visited("no-introduction")>>awkward in your shared exile.<<else>>speaking little at first, but companionate.<<endif>> You may no longer be Kel cadets, but the hexarchate does not believe in waste; the two of you already have civilian placements.\n\nStes is watching the flitter's informational bulletin. "War again," she says, ironic, as if there weren't always a war somewhere.\n\nWhen you look at her you can almost forget the afterimages of fire, and fire, and fire.\n\n"It's no business of ours anymore," you say.\n\n"No," she says finally. "I suppose it isn't."\n\n[[Fin.|afterword]]
"I wonder how he felt when he gave the order?" you ventured.\n\nAori gave you a strange look. "He was Kel," they said. "He went down with his command, like a true hawk."\n\n"But he must have thought about his family, and his friends," you said. "People of high rank still grieve--don't they?"\n\nAori finished dressing and shook their head. "Who cares? You make it sound like some kind of tragedy. But he knew what he signed on for. And it's not like generals don't get the benefits--the pay, the parades, the courtesans and honors."\n\nAfter Aori stalked out of the locker room, Stes said softly, "I don't know if I'd be able to do what he did. To be in charge and to give the order to turn everyone into formation fuel."\n\n[[You looked at Stes in a new light.|Stes-potential-general]]
"So we have a second crashhawk in our midst," the instructor says. "[[You|more-linguistics]] disappoint me."<<if visited("more-linguistics")>>\n\n[[You take your gloves off.|gloves-off]]<<endif>>
You couldn't afford a proper calendrical sword of your own, although you dreamt daily of buying one. Sometimes, during your rare leisure hours in Academy Town, you drifted by the best of the weapons shops, thinking about entering. But of course you didn't dare.\n\nSome of your classmates had heritage swords handed down from relatives who had served with the Kel. You bit back your envy when you listened to their stories. Your mother's people avoided faction service; you would have to earn your own sword.\n\n[[Back.|First Meeting]]
from every spark a fire
Facts of linguistics that you learned the hard way, when you began to speak the high language, Mwennin accent or no:\n\nThe high language has different modes of formality. Most of them are marked on the verb. This gave you great difficulty as a child, because you kept tangling them up.\n\nSome of them are marked on the pronouns, when the high language bothers with them at all; a great many grammatical elements can be omitted, leaving the listener to figure them out from context and implication. You tangled this up, too, although now you are painstakingly correct in your speech.\n\nThere's //you// as in //you, my friend// and //you// as in //you, my teacher and superior// and //you// as in //you snakefucker//.\n\nWhen Stes said //you didn't halt the maneuver// to the instructor, it was that last, unthinkable //you// that she used.\n\n[[Back.|what she said next]]
[img[a gun firing a phoenix|gun-phoenix-small][Intro]]\n\n[[Begin|Intro]].\n\n[[Content Notes]].\n\n[[Credits]].
Even cadets didn't like speaking about outprocessing--such a bloodless, bureaucratic term for //exile from the Kel//. The worst thing, worse even than death, for the Kel honored their dead. An outprocessed Kel ceased to be Kel at all; ceased to be a //comrade//.\n\n[[//A few short years later, you'd wonder what choices they gave Stes herself.//|Stes-burning]]
Stes grinned. "You're not the only one who cringes when the commandant joins their voice to the morning chant. But I'm sure we could find a //few// Kel with a sense of pitch."\n\n"You would think formation instinct would help us tune to each other," you remarked.\n\n"Oh, but Cheris," Stes said with mock concern, "haven't you heard? Formation effects are all about making us //want// to burn up." Before you could react to the half-joke, she adds, "I did hear that there's a formation that..." She bent closer to whisper in your ear, ending with, "...in bed."\n\nYou blushed. It wasn't the first time you'd heard rumors about formations that, er, had //sexual// side-effects. You'd always dismissed them on the grounds that if this were true, everyone would be experimenting with them. But you didn't know for sure.\n\n[[Was she hinting...?|unresolved-sexual-tension]]
Besides your general skill at geometry, you've always been able to visualize formations from different angles and to adjust them to, for instance, terrain that isn't level.\n\n[[Back.|obey-first]]
The other cadets' mixed terror, excitement, and disgust beats against your senses like a charnel wind. What you don't have any insight into is how //Stes// feels. After all, she's not part of the formation.\n\n[[//You remember the first time the two of you discussed Wildfire Over the Aerie.//|wildfire-discussion]]
When you were a small child in the [[City of Ravens Feasting]], you watched the parades of [[Kel soldiers]] in their flamboyant black-and-gold uniforms, their [[swords]] blazing. You tried to warm yourself by that light.\n\nToday you are far from your home city, on a planet halfway across the hexarchate. Your instructor led a company of Kel cadets (that includes //you//) out of the barracks a half-hour before dawn, through a cold, dark wood, and into a clearing lit by [[floating lanterns]].\n\nNow you stand shivering in a semicircle with your fellow cadets. You've even been allowed to wear [[black gloves]] for the occasion. Under other circumstances it would be an honor.\n\nExcept today, the circumstance is <<if visited("Kel soldiers", "swords", "black gloves")>>an [[execution|Intro 2]].<<else>>an execution.<<endif>>
Dead leaves and pine needles crunch underfoot as the mass of cadets shift into [[a formation that would, viewed from above, resemble a mandala of thwarted symmetries|fourth-formation-view]]. Your position remains in the first rank, several steps forward and to the left. You still have [[a clear view of Stes]].\n\n<<if visited("naked hands")>>[[//You remember that prank the two of you played.//|flashback-obey-one]]<<endif>>
You didn't need Stes to spell out the details for you. The fact that she referred to Azen by (presumably) his original family name, rather than as //Kel Azen//, means that he's already been outprocessed. And fast, too. You were hearing about //Kel Azen// and his prospects in this match just yesterday. <<continue "Whatever he did, it must have been serious.">>Whatever he did, it must have been serious.\n\n<<continue "You used to fear being found wanting, as though your Mwennin blood would betray you.">>You used to fear being found wanting, as though your Mwennin blood would betray you.\n\nWhat you don't want to admit, to Stes or anyone else, is that your first reaction was a stomach-twisting sense of relief: //At least it wasn't me.//\n\n[[//But you never imagined it'd be Stes instead, either.//|Stes-burning]]
Calendrical swords (even practice swords) changed color depending on who wielded them. Any number of theories existed about the significance of these colors. If asked, you said you had no idea.\n\n(You were convinced that red-and-blue spoke to some flaw in your own nature, if only you knew what it was.)\n\nYou wished for a respectable yellow or amber, but no such luck.\n\n<<if visited("shy-introduction")>>[[Back.|shy-introduction]]<<elseif visited("bold-introduction")>>[[Back.|bold-introduction]]<<elseif visited("no-introduction")>>[[Back|no-introduction]]<<else>><<endif>>
Later, you'll remember the scorching heat, and how dry your eyes were. A pillar of flame, burning up, but not consumed. Not yet.\n\nIn the moment, though, all you can think is that this is your last chance to say something--anything--to your friend.\n\nAs you free Stes of the spider restraints, as they come away like gossamer-drift in your gloved hands, you hear the instructor saying, "It's your choice, Miroz Stesarion. To die as a Kel, or to die as no one at all."\n\n<<if visited("resist-first", "resist-second", "resist-third")>>[[You tell her to resist to the last.|advise-Stes-to-resist]]<<else>>==You tell her to resist to the last.==<<endif>>\n[[You tell her to die with honor.|advise-Stes-to-die-Kel]]\n[[You don't tell her anything at all.|no-advice]]
This game takes place in the hexarchate, the setting of the Machineries of Empires trilogy. Anything that might show up in the books is fair game.\n\nSpecifically, the game includes brainwashing and suicide.\n\nThere are some spoilers for //Ninefox Gambit// and //Raven Stratagem//.\n\n[[Return to game.|Start]]
<<continue "The outprocessing itself is surprisingly quick, all things considered.">><<continue "It's as if they can't wait to get rid of you.">>At least [[you don't have to go through it alone|ambiguously-happy ending]].
It was two hours before reveille in the dorms. You were not supposed to be out of your bunk. You were most //especially// not supposed to be out of your bunk and rifling through the possessions of <<if visited("Cadet Lieutenant Mazo")>>Cadet Lieutenant Mazo<<else>>[[Cadet Lieutenant Mazo]]<<endif>>.\n\nYou kept watch while Stes fished the <<if visited("waterbrush")>>waterbrush<<else>>[[waterbrush]]<<endif>> out of her pocket.\n\n<<if visited("waterbrush", "Cadet Lieutenant Mazo")>><<if visited("shy-introduction")>>You couldn't help fidgeting with raw nerves. "We're going to get caught," you whispered to her.\n\n"You can always say I //ordered// you," she retorted in a hiss, and a flush heated your cheeks.<<elseif visited("bold-introduction")>>You never thought about yourself as the pranking sort, but //Stes// asked, and you couldn't say no. Especially since you shared her low opinion of Mazo.<<else>>You never thought you'd end up here, with flamboyant Stes; but you owed a mutual friend a favor, and even if the favor involved defacing a cadet lieutenant's possessions, the urge to //fit in// was strong.<<endif>>\n\nIt only took a few moments for Stes to [[do the deed|prank-completed]].<<endif>>
While many families sent members to the Kel over and over again, membership was, at least theoretically, based on //merit//. You had to pass the entrance examinations even if you were related to a high general. //We're not the Andan,// the Kel said, disdaining the Andan tendency to cluster power in known and trusted families.\n\nIn real life, however, hopefuls coming from a tradition of Kel service had an easier time fitting in. You tried not to let your envy show. After all, <<continue "did you really want your parents to be other than they are?">>did you really want your parents to be other than they are?\n\nYou tried not to think about the answer to that.\n\n[[Back.|flashback-obey-one]]
You missed seeing the results of the prank in person. One of the other cadets asked for help with a math problem set, and you couldn't in good conscience say no. You did, however, hear the gossip at mess the next morning.\n\nMazo wasn't amused; Mazo was distracted; Mazo lost his temper in spectacular fashion. Regulations did not require the match to be called off, so it proceeded as scheduled. Mazo //lost//.\n\nAt the time, you had difficulty hiding your glee.\n\n[[//In the stifled present, you wonder if you should have seen the signs that Stes--Stes, of all people--was a crashhawk.//|Stes-burning]]
"I need a volunteer," the instructor says from his position. There's a stir at that: this is a test. "Someone to undo the spider restraints."\n\n[[You volunteer.|volunteer-to-free-Stes]]\n[[You stay silent.|fail-to-volunteer]]
In other times this would signify nothing. The Kel earn their gloves upon graduation. You've often gazed with incoherent envy at the instructors and occasional Kel visitors, who are always so careful of their hands.\n\nBut here, now, Stes is the only one who goes bare-handed. The other cadets, like yourself, have been issued gloves for the occasion, for propriety's sake. Stes's hands are, in this context, a declaration: //Suicide hawk.//\n\n[[Back.|a clear view of Stes]]
Watching her wheeling through her forms, sword describing precise arcs, you were reminded of flowers shedding their petals in a strong wind.\n\n(You never shared that image with her. A few short years later and you would wish that you had: a moment's succulent sin.)\n\n[[Back.|bold-introduction]]
Inassa wasn't her name; her real name was much longer, both the family name and the given name. Inassa was some diminutive in a related language, one that the instructors could pronounce. You had strong feelings about that, and wondered if she did too.\n\nYou liked her, on the rare occasions that you interacted, for the shallow petty reason that she was one of the rare first-years even shorter than you. She spoke to you pleasantly enough. Once, at mess, she traded you her tangerine for a couple of your dumplings so you could have //two//. You often thought it wouldn't be bad to get to know her better.\n\nAnd now she was a crumpled shadow on the training grounds. Not even fallen in battle, through no fault of her own.\n\n[[Back.|lethal accident]]
Ever since you knew you wanted to become a Kel, you worked very hard at the high language, to the detriment of your fluency in Mwen-dal, your mother's language. The high language is often beautiful, but it's a beauty that makes it easy to forget the hexarchate's teeth.\n\n[[Back.|obey-second]]
<<replace "The formation break effects hit almost immediately.">>Your vision grays at the edges, as though shadows are opening their jaws all around you.<<becomes>>Your muscles lock up, surely //detrimental//.<<becomes>>And your head pounds with a sudden headche.<<becomes>>In a way, it's almost a relief.<<becomes>>A crashhawk would, damningly, not feel the formation break effects at all.\n\n[[//You remember the time you and Stes discussed crashhawks.//|flashback-crashhawk-discussion]]<<endreplace>>
The injection almost didn't hurt.\n\n(They called it an injection for historical reasons, although no needles appear in the modern version.)\n\n<<continue "You'd thought that it wouldn't be so different from ordinary camaraderie, or a healthy respect for military hierarchy, for that matter.">>You'd thought that it wouldn't be so different from ordinary camaraderie, or a healthy respect for military hierarchy, for that matter. You also had the sense never to express this opinion to your instructors or the senior cadets. <<continue "Maybe, in part, this was because you wanted the Kel mystique to be truer than truth.">>Maybe, in part, this was because you wanted the Kel mystique to be truer than truth.\n\n<<continue "They weren't exaggerating at all. After the injection, you would have sold out your parents if ordered.">>They weren't exaggerating at all. After the injection, you would have sold out your parents if ordered.\n\n(As it turned out, you would end up doing so anyway, and no one to blame but yourself.)\n\n[[Back.|formation-basics]]
The first time you saw a calendrical sword, the dazzle of colors fascinated you. You thought of the riot of flowers in your mother's garden.\n\nOnly later did you learn the chant associated with them: //the day and the hour of your death//.\n\nIt's particularly apropos today--although not specifically //your// death.\n\n[[Back.|Intro]]
For Isis, with all my thanks.\n\nCover art by [[Augusta Scarlett|https://www.scarlettebooks.com/]].\n\nThanks to Peter Berman for help with coding and to [[Glorious Trainwrecks|https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/5462]] for the Twine macros.\n\nThanks to the beta testers: Peter Berman, Yune Kyung Lee, lemon_badgeress, Rue, and Ursula Whitcher.\n\n[[Return to game.|Start]]\n\nv.1.0b.\nLast updated: June 24, 2019.
You're startled at the way your feet propel you //forward//. Half of you feels like a disjointed puppet. The other half of you settles into the <<if visited("formation-instinct-feels-good")>>comforting //rightness//<<else>>[[comforting //rightness//|formation-instinct-feels-good]]<<endif>> of doing as you've been ordered, a Kel among other Kel.\n\n//Not Kel yet,// a voice says in the back of your head. But the grip of formation instinct is too strong for you to pay it much heed. In the warm flush of esprit de corps, you wonder instead why you tried to resist at all.<<if visited("formation-instinct-feels-good")>>\n\nStes may have been a friend<<if visited("flirtation-two")>> (//if only she had been more//)<<endif>>, but she's a crashhawk now.\n\n[[//You remember the first time you discussed crashhawks.//|flashback-crashhawk-discussion]]<<endif>>
Crashhawks: those Kel in whom, for whatever reason, [[formation instinct|formation-instinct]] fails to take hold.\n\nIt's not actually against regulations to be a crashhawk. In practice, however, Kel Command outprocesses most of them. Those who remain in the service are usually relegated to harmless desk jobs.\n\nSome, like Stes, take another option entirely.\n\n[[Back.|formation-basics]]
''Aftermath''\n\nThe Kel suffer many inefficiencies, but they are, at least, prompt when it comes to honoring the dead. The next time you pass by the memorial wall, bracketed on either side by an ashhawk in glory, you ask the nearest facet to show you the recent dead. And there it is:\n\n//Kel Stesarion, 1225-1242//\n\nNo honors, no battles fought, nothing but the bare fact of her existence. But in choosing an honorable death, she proved herself Kel after all. You tell yourself that that's the important thing.\n\nYou leave a white porcelain flower at the base of the wall, one more token amid a sea of white tokens, in her memory.\n\n[[Fin.|afterword]]
You've been bound with spider restraints. Every cadet has, as part of their training. The only one who managed to free himself was an otherwise unremarkable boy with unexpected contortionist skills.\n\nThe restraints had bit into your limbs and around your throat, tightening every time you tried to get loose. You'd borne the red marks on your skin for days, hidden beneath your uniform. You even learned not to blush at the inevitable jokes about [[hawkfucking]] bondage enthusiasts.\n\n[[Back.|Intro 2]]
Yoon Ha Lee
"I am Kel," she says, and over the [[ripple of disbelief]] that passes through the formation, "//I am Kel.//"
Formations, combined with that particular Kel discipline known as [[formation instinct|formation-instinct]], are capable of summoning any number of exotic battlefield effects. The most commonly used are collected in Lexicon Primary; others, used primarily for parades or research purposes, appear in Lexicon Secondary.\n\nFirst Formation exists for the sole purpose of determining which Kel are [[crashhawks]].\n\n<<if visited("formation-instinct", "crashhawks")>>Despite its name, Fourth Formation--//unlucky lucky four//--was discovered earlier. It is a very specific type of suicide formation.\n\n[[Back.|the crashhawk]]<<endif>>
"Psst," Stes said to you during an evening study session. It was just the two of you in the lounge plus a tidy bowl of sticky rice crackers. "How many Kel does it take to form an orchestra?"\n\n[["I don't think there are enough Kel in this Academy who can hold a tune," you quipped.|flippant-answer]]\n[["A hundred for the company, and a Shuos to conduct," you answered.|serious-answer]]\n[[You refused to get drawn in.|refusal-to-answer]]
Stes does the unexpected. That in itself shouldn't surprise you. This is //Stes//, the cadet least likely to go down without a fight.\n\n"Sir, I would speak," she cries, addressing the instructor. Her voice is the crackle and hiss of fire. If it were any louder it would burn you black.\n\n//Ashhawk, ashhawk--//\n\n"It is your right," the instructor says.\n\n[[You strain to hear what he says next.|Stes-speech]]
You watch numbly as a cadet whose name escapes you volunteers for the ugly task. Ugly, but necessary. After all, Stes can't redeem herself--to the limited extent possible--unless she can move freely.\n\n"It's time to fill the pivot," the instructor says. "Miroz Stesarion, if you please."\n\nThe massed ranks [[repeat the phrase]] back to him, yourself among them.
You'd always known you would give orders of the immediate sort, as a prospective officer. But you'd never had any illusions that you'd advance as far as //general//. Oh, sure, you studied famous [[emblems]] and <<if visited("doodled-emblems")>>doodled possibilities<<else>>[[doodled possibilities|doodled-emblems]]<<endif>>, just in case. Every Kel cadet did.\n\nStes, though--everyone said she'd advance far. That she was blessed by fire. Naturally she was thinking ahead.\n\n[[//You should have remembered that fire's blessing is double-edged.//|Stes-defiant]]
"I'll do it," you hear yourself say.\n\nThe ranks part for you as you make your way to the forefront; close behind you, like <<continue "water">>blood.\n\nThe instructor [[gives you the restraints' codes|key-given]].
"Maintain formation," the instructor said, his voice a gun-crack.\n\nYou went //blank//, the way a good Kel was supposed to. You didn't question the order. You didn't wonder why he didn't call a halt before more people died.\n\nYou didn't think about <<if visited("Inassa")>>Inassa<<else>>[[Inassa]]<<endif>> and <<if visited("Fii death 3")>>Fii<<else>>[[Fii|Fii]]<<endif>>, one of whom you had known well, the other less so.\n\n<<if visited("Inassa") and visited("Fii")>>[[Stes had other ideas.|Stes-intervenes]]<<endif>>
Her teeth flashed brightly; one of them was charmingly crooked. "Are you here to challenge me?"\n\n"Challenge, no," you said. Given your late start in dueling, you were a novice compared to most other cadets. "Will you show me how you do that salute?"\n\nShe smiled again. "Of course," she said. "My name's [[Miroz Stesarion]], but call me Stes."
You, Stes, and a younger cadet named Jia gathered in one of the student lounges. Behind you, a ball clacked back and forth as two of your fellows played table tennis. A large display was tuned to commentary on a dueling match just about to start.\n\n"Next up, the incomparable civilian duelist [[Li Ajana]] faces off against [[Kel Esteris]]!" the announcer said from off-screen.\n\n<<if visited("Li Ajana", "Kel Esteris")>>You frowned at the others. "Esteris?" you said. "Wasn't it supposed to be Kel Azen?"\n\nStes and Jia exchanged glances. [["You hadn't heard?"|fb-crashhawk-disc2]]<<endif>>
"Hadn't heard what?" you asked.\n\nJia glanced between you and Stes, then fidgeted.\n\nStes cleared her throat. "Jan Azen is no longer Kel," she said without any attempt at delicacy, which you appreciated.\n\n[[You asked what had happened--surely there was some warning sign of Azen's heterodoxy.|ask-about-Azen]]\n[[You murmured your understanding and left it at that. No need to dig into matters of heresy.|stay-quiet-about-Azen]]
You were almost sure, from the lack of a scream, that they were already dead.\n\n[[Back.|lethal accident]]
Even formation instinct couldn't make you //like// Cadet Lieutenant Mazo, which took you by surprise the first time you met him. He had a Kel pedigree as long as Stes's, long enough that some of the other cadets looked at him askance and insinuated that he got in through [[nepotism]]. He even looked the part of a dutiful conquering Kel, with his muscular frame and stern face.\n\nThe stories the servitors told about how he treated juniors were less flattering.\n\n[[Back.|flashback-obey-one]]
Stes's eyes meet yours. There's a question in them, the weary expectation of betrayal.\n\nYour back straightens. "You did the right thing," you say, and then more loudly, so everyone can hear, "//You did the right thing.// Don't throw your life away."\n\nShe makes an unambiguous gun-shape with her unbound, ungloved hand. //They can shoot me any time.//\n\n[["//Halt,//" the instructor snaps.|second-crashhawk-revealed]]
You were there when it happened.\n\nIt should have been an ordinary training exercise.\n\nBut [[training accidents]] happen, even at Kel Academy Prime.
At the far end of the clearing, a girl your age stands upright. The lanterns' light gives her bronzed skin a burnished look. She, too, wears [[cadet black]]. But her head has been shaven, and the telltale flicker of [[spider restraints]] glimmers around her.\n\n<<if visited("cadet black", "hawkfucking")>>[[//You remember the first time you met her.//|First Meeting]]<<endif>>